When I was growing up, it was assumed that women could not be much more than elementary school teachers, nurses, secretaries, and airline stewardesses, and if they tried they were considered second-rate and ridiculed for trying to be anyone who held any degree of status-- not to mention called "bitches."
The word 'women' was attached in front of professions like a 'woman writer' or 'woman professor, which essentially translated to 'inferior to their male counterparts.'
The thought of women as airline pilots, doctors, attorneys, and businesspersons was dismissed because women were thought to be too emotional, too delicate (remember it was medically agreed that a woman' uterus would likely fall out if she ran more than one mile), and too limited in intellect.
That is what feminists fought against, so perhaps if you have any ambition to be a professional, own real property, have a credit card or take a loan out for yourself -- and not be treated like the wife Nora in Ibsen's The Doll House, you will thank the last generation of feminists who made this possible for you to rally against them, as is your right.