The 'sexual fraud' mentioned doesn't seem to equate to rape. It seems to be more alined with deception, which could indicate the person lying has poor character, or is deficient in morality, but doesn't seem to qualify as rape. Whenever we have encounters, sexual or otherwise, with a person who is not well known we risk exposing ourselves to an unknown factor. With risk, comes possible disappointment. Both sexes can lie in an attempt to be more desirable to the other, just like a used car salesperson can bend the truth to maximize his/her opportunity, but deception and rape are different. The issue of force or unfair cohersion to commit an act seems like a central factor in rape, while not admitting to having a partner seems more like a 'buyer beware' lesson from which to gain wisdom for one's future decisions. Although both can exact an emotional toll, one is a forceful attempt to take something that is not being offered by an willing participant, while the other is fully consensual, in the moment, but under false pretenses.