Thank you, and I certainly do not disagree with you as to some of the virtues of the founders of our country. As I travel more, I always take time to visit and read about significant places and enjoy the history of our country.
At the same time, I believe that it is imperative to acknowledge the injustices and downright evil acts in America, least we thoughtlessly repeat the horrors through lack of personal insight.
Right now is a time of reconciling what we were taught in history books verses the reality of real character flaws of human beings who helped form and lead this country. To ignore either their virtues or deficits would be a mistake. I think that accountability is the best route.
In regards to what you previously wrote, I don't believe it is selfish to take care of one's own family, as long as one, if possible, also remembers to contribute in ways to help others who may not have enough opportunity to engage our system for success. I view education the same way. Higher education and bettering one's self are a privilege for some, while others never get to experience these, not because they are unworthy or lazy, just unlucky and probably too exhausted trying to stay alive for another day.
This is our America.