My two cents here: Be a decent human being who helps those in need and speaks up when a person is behaving badly-- male or female.
I don't need a super hero, macho type, just a partner who will stand by my side if someone is out of line. Unless it is a truly awful, violent man, I will speak up for myself, as it helps me not feel like a victim when I use my voice.
I, too, am trained in martial arts, and would help protect another person, men included, by calling the police or even risking my personal safety if necessary and prudent. Most likely, I would use de-escalation techniques. However, if I ever witnessed a child being sexually abused or harmed I would hope to have the personal courage to intervene and/or enlist men or other women to help intervene--safety in numbers.
However, as a pragmatist, I realize that most violence against women is in there homes by their own partners and has little to do with the strange man behaving badly in a public venue. It's easy for some men to talk a big game about 'protecting their women' but the reality is that those situations are far less frequent than women terrorized in their own homes while some of these big talk men refuse to identify the real perpetrators-- their fathers, brothers, and friends.
Because of knowing where women primarily are assaulted, I support organizations to help women leave abusive partners -- especially pregnant women whose #1 cause of death is not disease but homicide from a male partner.