"Men being men" -- gosh, I hope not all men are sexual assaulters and rapists. What a further disappointment it would be to think that all men discuss how they touch women's private parts without permission and try to have sex with other men's wives.
BTW, I am in a primarily men's bike club and have been riding for several years with them, and none of them talks about assaulting women like Donald Trump. Maybe he's just a grotesque, sexual assaulting, disgusting, barely human?
As for Kavanaugh, I really don't know where the truth lies, but Donald Trump has had over 20 women testify about his assaults. So, I get it, you are okay with a president that behaves like this, so is his rediculous wife who doesn't seem to care what he does as long as she gets her payday. I have little respect for her as well.
Donald's policies and actions are not what I would want for this country. All of my uncles, grandfather, and those who came before them fought in America's wars, unlike the Viet Nam, and according to Trump, Venereal Disease dodging Private Bone Spurs.
Donald Trump's America is not mine.