Margaret Sanger "strongly condemned" abortion. Those are her words. She supported using birth control, which I do as well.
Planned Parenthood prevents a large amount of pregnancies because they offer low cost birth control. If you can't afford BC, they will provide it to you for free. Do you know how many unwanted pregnancies they have prevented? They also treat VD, and provide education about AIDS, but for some reason abortions are the only aspect of their services to be mentioned by most people.
As far as the purpose of sex, only some situations are for procreation. Otherwise, it is for intimacy and to build relationships. I would rather a woman have the option to abort than be forced to carry an unwanted pregnancy. Protection fails at times and marriages too. Even within marriages, there is a limit to where and when a woman wants to carry a pregnancy. I believe options need to be available.
Thank you for sharing your views.