I think the pot shots at Trump's self-reported weight were more about the man telling yet another obvious lie and not whether he is portly or rotund. Donald Trump appears to be at least 275 pounds and like everything else he has done, he paints a more flattering picture of himself although any human being can see he is not dealing in reality.
His self-serving lies appear to be indicative of the whole January 6 and stolen election claims, despite numbers of people who would never support his re-election and the appalling assault on Democracy he has enacted since.
I actually get a kick out of the fact that, in light of his mug shot, some people are donating more of their hard-earned pay to a rich man, so he can fleece them and line his own pockets.
What a country we live in --where a man can be of the lowest character and yet people give him and believe in him blindly.