I agree.
At first I thought I could endure the pain of my son's birth, but I had back labor and my nurse went MIA, rumor had it that she went off to take a nap in another ward.
I was in horrible pain for hours and finally opted for a 'walking epidural' which is better than nothing but still allows a lot of pain.
The fetal heart monitor broke during the delivery causing a panic. My birth pain was thrown across the room by the doctor on duty (who wasn't mine and thought birth plans were useless). The doctor didn't want to do an episiotomy because they had fallen out of fashion, so I waited to push out a baby who would never make it out without the incision. Finally, the doctor agreed to the episiotomy, and tossed two pairs on scissors on a shelf because they were "too dull to cut."
Nothing 'natural' happened that day. It was more like a comedy of errors, but my son was born healthy and robust, a 9 on his APGAR. However a delivery happens with decent results is good enough for me.