Ah, there something about going to Catholic school that utterly reinforces the power differential between males and females. We girls were not permitted to serve as 'alter boys' nor could we even enter the boy's football/baseball field.
Instead, we were encouraged towards the damned hop scotch area. How much hop scotch can a girl play for God's sake?
For several years, now, I have ridden with a mostly male bike group and often times am the only female. It feels so liberating to know I can keep up with many of them. That's one sport where perhaps the willy gets in the way, and I envy them not a bit.
As for never being an 'alter boy,' I think I dodged a big, fat bullet there, as we now know that there was so truly unholy activities going on in some churches. However, I did defy the priest and when no one was present, I danced my way across the alter without permission. Then, I danced my way out of the Catholic church and never looked back.